Pages of chapters are written in love,
Memories are feathered in sun light.
Sunshine dazzles in nice tenderness,
Beauty motivates mind in eternity,
Wisdom of life and spirit we feel,
Good afternoon to all of you dear.
Afternoon has shown us aged path,
Beauty is benevolent in mind’s joy,
Tender sleep comes after a heavy meal,
Snoring is heard from such a person.
For hard work the day has given chance,
After a little break gaining freshness,
This is definitely good to return back,
Working can be continued until evening.
Tender sunlight of afternoon gives joy,
Beauty of hope shines with life’s effort,
Sunlight binds dust particles in rows,
Motivation is felt well in wise dignity.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,29 October 2017. All rights reserved.

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