Only Nature is the greatest escape from woes of the world;
Aesthetic pleasure serves as great relief from all ills now!
Relief and redemption from the madding material world
Come from the aestheticism in Nature and out pourings of
Heart based on experiences of pleasure one enjoys there
In poems perennial give great change for the better sure!
Art, Nature and music are some of the ways one can get
Great relief and change from the usual rut of irritation by
Politics and bureaucratic disturbances everyday in all the
Walks of life of human endeavour everywhere in the world!
Diversion from greatest despair one undergoes in life is
Surely Nature in all its beautiful manifestations everywhere!

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Only Nature is the greatest escape from woes of the world;
Aesthetic pleasure serves as great relief from all ills now!
Relief and redemption from the madding material world
Come from the aestheticism in Nature and out pourings of
Heart based on experiences of pleasure one enjoys there
In poems perennial give great change for the better sure!
Art, Nature and music are some of the ways one can get
Great relief and change from the usual rut of irritation by
Politics and bureaucratic disturbances everyday in all the
Walks of life of human endeavour everywhere in the world!
Diversion from greatest despair one undergoes in life is
Surely Nature in all its beautiful manifestations everywhere!

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