no worry.
But if something happens,
it will happen with the immortal soul,
as the body is mortal,
and it will be decayed
below tons of clay overlaid.
If I have a soul it must be a soul of the Creator,
I shall be worried only if I am asked to decide
whether me,
the accused is guilty or not.
How I shall find Him guilty of sins,
and how I shall award punishment to His soul?
And if He is the justice,
I shall plea it was all done by Your Soul,
not by the clay decayed in the clay,
even if it was done by the breathing clay,
it has been deprived of its breaths now,
all my touches felt by all parts of my body
became a sigh with my last breath!
Isn’t it as if I have been sentenced with senselessness
without a fair trial.
A court billions of light years away from the earth
had no jurisdiction to listen to the allegations of sins
committed on the earth.
My death is an extra judicial killing.
I cannot decide who is guilty of the sins!
My body is just a set of levers,
if it felt pains and pleasures,
it were You running in my nerves.
Otherwise who I am!
And if You think I am something
send me back to the earth
where I had committed the sins,
to be tried in an open court of law.
Someone smiled and said,
‘I am going to do the same thing,
but a single moment of the endless space
takes billions of years
while travelling on the hyperbola of time.
You took billions of years to come to me
you’ll take another billions of years
to go back to the earth,
that is at the moment a burning sphere of gases,
it will be green once again in the next moment.
My next moment billions of years!
Start your return journey without any senses
just with thinking,
the immortal thinking,
that was dormant when you were committing a sin.
On way you’ll see many earths green and colorful,
and many men and women
who saved their thinking from dormancy.
As desired you’ll be tried on the earth once again.
Earth that could never cool down the fire in its bosom! ‘

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