invisible cords
of union
with God
after our death?
Are you sure,
there is no separation
between the soul
and the loving God?

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Dear Corona?
But I don’t think.
You are and
You cannot be
More dangerous than a
Human being.
Am I wrong dear?
Come on and say
Something you want to.
Here I am
With all forces
On roads
In hotels
In fields
In cities.
It is true
You have taken some,
But I failed to
Understand how you have
Taken without consent!
Symptoms I know dear
And all the symptoms
Not yours.
You can’t claim exclusively
It is you who played alone.
So far I confirmed
It is for you have touched
So many dignitaries.
And for this quarantine
Has been lifted in some parts.
But holistically let me
Approach with human
Standards and rights.
Are you the only attacker?
I doubt it all.

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The blue fairy
Of My childhood?
Who brought me
As you came
Colourful Flowers,
Sweet, ripe Fruits,
Songs of the Cuckoo,
Winged clouds and
Moonlit nights!
And whose going away
Snatched everything off my life..
Hopes, dreams of Light and delight,
And melodies from my
Strings of the heart..
Tell me my darling! !
Are you that little
Princess of the blues?
Fairy of the Childhood? ?

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