And god
Enough politics in it
Played by a cruel
And coward
Let not the noise
drown your
inner voice.
At the center of
your being
there is silence.
Go there in meditation
and fill yourself
with the murmurings
of sweet silence.
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Inbred human nature,
There is no fear in love;
And i will come for you when the need arises.
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streets that dont speak,
faces mechanically moving.
hammers hung from belts,
books closed, coffee brewing.
the voices of need and passion,
silent statements in flesh.
god, or something more,
understanding beyond conception.
the hand extended,
and boots laced tight.
the flame of truth,
flickers, stays strong.
nothing more needs be said,
than to live…
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You now can offer.
When your lips were needed,
To stop the heat of greed that fed…
You denounced a noncomformity,
As something those doing it would dred!
And here you are,
Being closed in…
By those who deceived ‘you’ instead!
That’s all that is required from you right now!
You have proven,
Like sheep…
Misfortunes thought were mine,
You believed you would never reap.
Has been designed to keep you mislead!
Now a sacrifice shared is weeped.
No one cares…
Tears from your eyes now you shed!
Keep it…
As a sacrifice!
That is all you have left…
Tossing and turning your life,
Into a premature death.
With a shortened gasp of breath!
And with deception kept…
Your treasures hoarded,
Will quietly from you be swept,
As a silence bleeds…
From those who willfully allowed,
Themselves to be bled!
Self-righteous in rejecting those…
As you watched their hunger,
And homelessness spread!
It’s your turn…
To find no place to lay your head!
Isn’t that what you expected…
From those you said,
Were too low of life!
And denied them you did…
Of a fight to keep,
Their human rights!
That’s all that is needed from you.
No one cares what your objectives are.
You have already expressed…
Your selfish point of view!
And silence from others,
Comes to light!
As your plight is witnessed…
And subdues you to drown,
In standards that leave you…
Sinking underground!
Is that clear?
That is all those who have survived,
Your sick conflicting inflicted nonsense…
Have chosen to dispel.
And from you…
Silence is all,
One wishes from you to hear!
With a peace released that swells!
No one but you,
Appreciates your created hell!
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Roll’em, Action!
The Drama of Life begins,
Survival, out of the womb,
It’s a hostile world,
By all means avoid the tomb,
‘Most people don’t have,
Enough to eat, ‘
‘Never mind,
They’ve got two feet! ‘
‘They can serve as Serfs,
WE, are the Ruling class
And remind them that here,
We do not serve Deserts’
‘Make sure they understand,
We owe them, Nothing
WE own them and their fatherland’
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There is a silence where no sound may be,
In the cold grave—under the deep, deep sea,
Or in wide desert where no life is found,
Which hath been mute, and still must sleep profound;
No voice is hush’d—no life treads silently,
But clouds and cloudy shadows wander free,
That never spoke, over the idle ground:
But in green ruins, in the desolate walls
Of antique palaces, where Man hath been,
Though the dun fox or wild hyæna calls,
And owls, that flit continually between,
Shriek to the echo, and the low winds moan—
There the true Silence is, self-conscious and alone.
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God I begged you again and again
To hear my helpless cries
I’ve fallen to my knees every night
But you refused to answer
My prayers drift back to Earth
Seemingly unheard by the almighty
I finally cease to try anymore
And silently drift off to sleep
It’s another day and I again cry
“God hear me, God please answer”
I’m drowning in my endless fears
Help me, reach down and grab my hand
My prayers drift back to Earth
Seemingly unheard by the almighty
I finally cease to try anymore
And silently drift off to sleep
A year later, and things are still the same
I cry out to you every moment of every day
Yet you stay silent to my pleas
God, please I’m scared
My prayers drift back to Earth
Seemingly unheard by the almighty
I finally cease to try anymore
And silently drift off to sleep