Ladies and gentlemen,
Am a rockstar,
A rocktar
And it’s you, it’s you,
Not me,
Not me
That has, that has made,
Made me into,
Into a rockstar,
No me, me, but you, you.
The microphone,
Microphone is yours,
The drums, drums yours,
The banjo, the guitar,
The guitar cackling,
With the wires plucked, plucked
To melodies,
Ladies, ladies
And gentlemen,
I am a rockstar,
A rockstar.
No the show starts,
My musicians, my composers,
My drummers, my guitarists,
My bass men,
You rap, rap rapidly,
The drummers drum you,
Drum you,
The liggtmen throw the light
Upon, upon
I am a rocktar, a rockstar,
ladies and gentlemen,
Ladies and gentlemen!

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I’ve come to give You
The Praise!
I’ve come to You focused…
Dear God.
Quiet and subdued,
To ask of You
For a complete release.
From the craving that has crazed,
Those of the flesh…
And of wicked ways.
I’ve come to You wishing,
And wanting an uplift in consciousness.
To raise higher in my mind…
A rising devotion,
And happiness that is mine!
Knowing without You,
Inside of me stirring my soul…
My life has no dropp of wholesomeness.
None ‘that’ I should maintain.
None ‘that’ must remain I should hold!
Without You!
I thank You,
For ‘all’ and everything.
From the appearance of dew…
Misting the dawning of morning Sun.
To the glistening of those rays,
On the surface of the Moon,
When night comes.
To enhance Your stay,
And the stars twinkling in the Heavens,
Sparkling from Cosmic light!
This is what I witness.
This delights my appetite.
And I thank You Almighty!
For this life…
This life given.
To adventure and explore this ‘gift’
Only You have manifested…
And allowed me to feel blessed with!
Thank You,
Keeper and Giver of ‘this’ experience!
The One and of All.
And ‘here’ in me to express…
Such gratefulness,
I wish to give!
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall!
And so honored I am to confess,
I recognize Your Angels sent…
To ensure that I do for You,
Always pursuing I will,
My best!
Thank You,
I’ve come to give You
The Praise!
I come and welcome this bliss with You.
Knowing someday,
Eternity with You…
I will come to stay!
To my wonderful sister…
Mrs. Andrea Doreen (‘Mimmie’) Pertillar Dixon
Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Friend!
Gifted. Wise. And…’Stubborn’…LOL
‘Love you, Mimmie’

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You have left me completely crazed.
There is still nothing we have in common.
Perhaps a desire to strangle one another.
But even that act,
Would not satisfy my craving…
To see you dragged under a truck!
Thank you.
For allowing me to get myself this upset.
For allowing myself to get this deep in debt.
To have you say to me…
‘Without you in my life,
I would have never known regret! ‘
Thank you for that show of support.
But being locked in a cell,
Will not happen yet!
So take that smile off your face.
I may be crazed…
For listening to you,
Demoralize me like you do.
But nothing left that still remains in my name…
Will you touch nor will you get!
Or make attempts to claim.
Every unfaithful step you have taken…
Your lawyer and mine each have a filmed set!
And there will be no need,
For you to see me in court…
In a distressing sweat.
That just will not happen!
So that imagined joyfulness…
Seeing me suffering in ruin,
You can remove from you mind…
And forget!
Before I leave!
Here is your copy.’

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Dear Almighty!
I am neither rich,
Nor do I live in a ditch.
And I am grateful for this.
Because my life…
Without You there…
I could be tossed and turned.
Bearly existing anywhere.
And I,
Thank You,
For the flowing of my blessings…
Dear Almighty!
I am neither rich,
Nor do I live in a ditch.
And I am grateful for this.
Because my life…
Without You there…
I could be tossed and turned.
Bearly existing anywhere.
You have me here,
To praise You.
You have me here,
To raise my voice…
In thankfulness!

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each morn i am kissing you again not in vain
each morn we enjoy the delicious breakfast
the delightful lunch
but we enjoy also the things that are torn and tattered
torn and tattered
not yet bettered
but we enjoy
constantly and always
before we eat
we raise our praise
to you dear Lord
we thank you solemnly for all the things you provide
each day anew again to us and to the people worldwide
it’s our pride and strive to tell here
each morn again
we are grateful to the Lord
for each day
what we’ll get on our bord….
© Sylvia Frances Chan – All Rights Reserved
Sunday 18 October 2020

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The thought of being useless
Haunted me day and night.

I dreamt on and on
Yet nothing came to pass.

I held my problems
Greater than anything else
Until I met you, my friend.

Life is harder for others,
I do realize now.

You taught me
My trials are nothing.

You showed me how
Foolish my whining is.

I, shamefully, realize
How nothing I am.

I truly acknowledge
How undeserving I’ve been
For all the blessings
I’ve been granted
When the most deserving
Are in pain.

And you, my brother,
Is one among them.

You taught me
To be beneficial.

You gave me
The heart to help.

I can’t thank you enough
Ever in my life.

Yet ‘Thank You’
From the bottom of my heart.

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